Blog by Oleg Fomenko

Block cipher mode of operation

Block cipher is an algorithm that performs encryption and decryption of the plaintext by blocks (for example of 128 bit). It’s obvious that to encode plaintext with different from block sizes we need a separate high-level module that will perform split and append operations on the plaintext in a couple with some other transformations. Such transformations are called block cipher modes.

In general, let’s define the block cipher as follows:

  • Encrypt: \(Enc(m, k) = c\) - function that encrypts plaintext \(m\) using key \(k\) and outputs ciphertext \(c\).
  • Decrypt: \(Dec(c, k) = m\) - function that decrypts ciphertext \(c\) using key \(k\) and outputs plaintext \(m\).

ECB (electronic cookbook) mode

The most obvious cipher mode is an ECB mode that performs encryption for every block separately.

\[c_i = Enc(m_i, k)\]

This mode is considered to be the worst modes from all. If two parts of input plaintext are equal (that appears really often for real texts) it produces same ciphertext that can be used by hackers to broke our cypher.

CBC (cipher block chaining) mode

One of the most popular modes is a CBC mode that performs xor operation for every next block of plaintext with previous ciphertext. This mode lacks the disadvantage of the ECB mode and outputs the different ciphertexts even for same plaintexts.

\[c_i = Enc(m_i \oplus c_{i-1}, k)\] \[m_i = Dec(c_i, k) \oplus c_{i-1}\]

For the initial block encrypting it uses special initialization vector that have to be unique for every new encryption. If we use same initialization vectors for different encryptions it can cause same problems as in the ECB mode.

Let’s overview several approaches to generate the initialization vector.

  • Simple usage of the counter 0,1,2,3… is not recommended because of really week randomness. Because of peculiarities of the real texts usage of this initialization vector will not increase security significant.
  • A random initialization vector can be really safe for most cases, but it requires access to a really good random number generator. Also, it adds one more cipher block to every encryption that increases the size of resulting ciphertext.
  • Usage of nonce values combines two previous methods. For nonce (number used only once) we can select for example a message number and then generate initialization vector \(c_0\) by separate encryption of this value. Then, we can add this number to the resulting ciphertext in a raw format an on the decryption side it will be possible to generate our initialization vector.

OFB (output feedback) mode

Using this mode we will not encrypt our plaintext directly. Instead, we will use block cipher to generate the pseudo-random bytes stream and combine it with plaintext by xor operation (as in one-time-pad cipher). Such an approach is also referred to stream cipher.

\[k_i = Enc(k_{i-1}, k)\] \[c_i = m_i \oplus k_i\]

It’s easy to observe that such an approach also requires the initialization vector as in CBC mode. One of the advantages of this algorithm is that encryption and decryption methods are the same. Also, it does not require the appending to the plaintext to fill all block size - we can use as much as needed.

One of the highest vulnerability of this mode is that usage of same initialization vectors cause more security risks than in all previous modes. For example for plaintexts \(m, \hat{m}\) and ciphertexts \(c, \hat{c}\) generated with same initialization vectors we can calculate \(c \oplus \hat{c} = m \oplus k \oplus \hat{m} \oplus k = m \oplus \hat{m}\). So, with the knowledge of one of the plaintexts, hacker can easily recover the other plaintext.

Also, if one of the \(k_i\) appears twice, it will cause the whole chain to repeat. This problem is more likely to occur after a large number of encryptions (see the collisions section below), so it is obviously necessary to limit the maximum number of encryptions per key.

CTR (counter) mode

CTR mode can be determined as a modification of the OFB mode because it utilizes the same approaches.

\[k_i = Enc(nonce | i, k)\] \[c_i = m_i \oplus k_i\]

This mode requires \(nonce | i\) be the same size as block. Then, for example, for 128-bit block we can use 48-bit for message number, 16 bit for any nonce data and 64 bit for counter \(i\). Then, we are able to encrypt maximum \(2^{48}\) messages ber one key as well as maximum size of one message \(2^{64}\) bit.


  • Appending: CBC requires appending to the plaintext to fill the block, CTR - not.
  • Speed: CTR allows concurrent calculation of ciphertext blocks.
  • Implementation: CTR requires only encryption function to implement (decryption is the same).
  • Reliability: if information about nonce leaks then hacker will be able to receive more information about message in case of CTR.
  • Nonce: In most implementation CBC requires nonce as well as CTR.


I’ve made a lot of focus on the probability that two ciphertexts for same keys appears to be same. In all cases it easy to check that such match gives more information to hacker about the plaintext. But what is the resulting probability of such collision? Imagine we’ve encrypted \(M\) blocks of plaintext then we can select about \(M(M - 1)/2\) pairs from them. For the block size \(n\) the probability of two blocks to be equal is \(2^{-n}\), so the entire probability to receive same ciphertexts will be \(\frac{M(M-1)}{2^{n+1}}\). This value reaches one if \(M \simeq 2^{n/2}\). So, for the 128-bit cipher, we will receive collision with high probability after \(2^{64}\) encryptions. This observation ca be referred to the birthday paradox.